
fingertip gemstones

"Y&ART" is a group of artists who possess an endless pursuit and love for beauty. They believe that every girl harbors a unique gemstone within her heart, waiting to be discovered and to shine. Therefore, they have decided to create exclusive "fingertip gemstones" for every girl using high-end wearable nail extensions and simulated diamonds.

Press-on Nails

Press-on Nails


High-end wearable nail extensions and simulated diamonds

Shop Now

Press-on nails 4

Press-on nails 4

Regular price £99.90
Press-on nails 3

Press-on nails 3

Regular price £99.90
Press-on nails 2

Press-on nails 2

Regular price £99.90
Press-on nails 1

Press-on nails 1

Regular price £99.90

Follow us @Y&Art